10 Easy Social Media Strategies You Should Be Following for Success

Here is a great comment I found on Hootsuite: "There are 3.8 billion people using social media today—more people than there were on the entire planet in 1971. In 2020, 3.8 billion is nearly half the world’s population." As business professionals, we all know social media is the modern normal, an efficient way to promote products and services. But you can understand how managing social media can become insurmountable - which platform to use, on what…

Myths about Social Media

"Posting Anytime/everywhere is good."​ Example: You wouldn't tweet out you just accepted a new job at 2am, and expect congrats right away would you? No. Because you know that most people aren't going to be online at that time. You'll wait till the height of social activity time and make the big announcement! Managing a social media account is a little like that - if you squint and tilt your head. The truth is that…

How to Integrate Video into Your Online Strategy

Scrolling online, you will notice the many brand videos. This has been a growing trend over the last few years. Modern companies need video elements for marketing. Viewers can build a deep connection through a video in just an instant. Viewers claim they retain 95% of a message when obtained via video. (Social Media Week). With any marketing effort, a business should present in their brand voice. Company videos enhance your brand and add to…